Somatic Release + Power Breathing


What You Get:

Somatic Release + Power Breathing  

At Progressive Breathing, we offer advanced breath control techniques to enhance physical conditioning and facilitate emotional release. Three key methods—CO2 Tolerance, Somatic Release Breathing and Power Breathing—work together to promote overall well-being. These practices strengthen the body, balance the nervous system, and enable deep emotional healing, essential for restoring optimal health.

Somatic Release Breathing

Somatic Release Breathing is a therapeutic technique designed to release stored emotions, trauma, and tension from the body. This practice activates the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and healing while relieving physical and emotional stress. The benefits of Somatic Release Breathing include:

  • Emotional release and healing
  • Stress reduction and relaxation
  • Improved physical health, including reduced muscle tension and chronic pain
  • Enhanced mental clarity and focus
  • Increased self-awareness and altered states of consciousness

However, fast-paced, mouth-based techniques like Holotropic Breathing can cause hyperventilation, tetany, and psychological overwhelm, disrupting the body’s natural balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Power Breathing for Physical Conditioning

Power Breathing enhances physical conditioning by targeting the spine, core, diaphragm, abdominal wall, pelvic floor, and respiratory system. Controlled, deep rhythmic breathing engages the entire respiratory system, strengthening the diaphragm and improving lung capacity. This leads to enhanced athletic performance and endurance. Key benefits include:

  • Strengthened diaphragm and respiratory health
  • Improved lung capacity and oxygen intake
  • Support for conditions like asthma and COPD

Power Breathing also tones and strengthens the abdominal wall and pelvic floor, promoting core stability, better posture, and reduced injury risk. Additionally, it stabilizes the spine, preventing back pain and improving overall body mechanics.

CO2 Retention & Breath Holds

CO2 retention through breath holding improves the body’s tolerance to carbon dioxide, enhancing respiratory efficiency and oxygen utilization. Benefits include:

  • Improved oxygen delivery through the Bohr effect
  • Enhanced respiratory function and lung capacity
  • Reduced stress and anxiety by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system
  • Increased mental focus and concentration
  • Boosted athletic performance by improving endurance and recovery

Higher CO2 tolerance supports homeostasis, stabilizing pH levels and improving cellular function, energy levels, and endurance. It also regulates the nervous system, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

Why Nasal Breathing is Superior

Nasal breathing acts as a natural protection and filtration system, filtering out harmful substances and warming the air before it enters the lungs. This promotes better lung health and overall well-being. The key advantages of nasal breathing include:

  • Nitric oxide production, improving oxygen circulation and cardiovascular health
  • Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and preventing hyperventilation
  • Enhanced brain function and cerebrospinal fluid flow
  • Support for core stability through engagement of the diaphragm and core muscles
  • A mindful, focused approach to breathwork that reduces emotional and physiological stress

A Holistic Approach

At Progressive Breathing, we combine the emotional healing benefits of CO2 Tolerance and Somatic Release Breathing with the physical conditioning of Power Breathing. Prioritizing nasal breathing, our techniques offer a safe and natural way to balance the body and mind, promoting healing and restoring optimal health.

We offer personal and group coaching, workshops, events, and online training programs. Contact us to schedule a session and explore the power of breathwork for optimal health and healing.

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