Progressive Breathing is an eclectic blend of Ancient Qi-Gong, Daoist, Yogic & Diaphragmatic Nasal Breathing Practices.

Progressive Breathing offers Online Training Programs & Classes, Personal  Coaching, Workshops & Events… for Individuals, Groups & Teams.

We provide immediate actionable tools, resources, and applications to change how you move, think & feel.

Progressive Breathing

Our unique breath practice is affordable, safe, guided and naturally aligned with your body’s perfect design.

By Intentionally harnessing the power of Rhythmic Nasal Breathing, all people have the opportunity to not only survive, but to THRIVE; Physically, Mentally, Emotionally & Spiritually!

Progressive Breathing cares for people & the planet, has a reverence for all life forms and values connection, sharing and togetherness.

Our breath practice aims to accelerate personal health and healing, contributing toward the regeneration, transformation and creation of a community and environment that is healthy, happy, thriving and vibrant.

What is Progressive Breathing?

Our technique is an Embryonic or Microcosmic Breath with its origins founded in Ancient Wisdoms, Philosophies and Practices. The breath pattern is rhythmic, soft, deep, yet gentle and subtle… designed to assist you to heal, restore, optimize your health and rejuvenate spirit.


Progressive Breathing is a daily or regular practice that can be utilized at any time, or in any place… awareness and intention is all that’s required.


Everywhere we go, the breath is with us, it’s essential to life. The breath has the power to regulate and transform our thoughts, mood, actions, behavior and perceptions, that will happen either consciously or unconsciously, it’s purely your choice.

What does the Progressive Breathing Platform Offer?

Start Your Journey with this Free Nasal Breathing Practice

Progressive Breathing offers you a taste of the magic that a Breath Practice brings, with 3 x 7 minute sample breathwork sessions to explore, embody and experience.

These carefully crafted sessions, all infused with soothing frequencies will guide you through the fundamentals of deep rhythmic nasal breathing and will leave you feeling Rejuvenated, Relaxed and Empowered.



Experience our guided Breath Reduction  session below.

Breath Reduction from 10 bpm to 6 bpm.


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Download 3 Free Breathwork Audios

  • Breath Reduction
  • The Perfect Breath
  • Rhythmic Breathing

How can Nasal Breathing change how I Move, Think & Feel?

Why should I BREATHE through my NOSE?

Firstly, nasal breathing both protects us and connects us. It protects us from the harmful toxins in the air by filtering, warming, and humidifying the air before it enters the body. Moreover, it strengthens our connection to the forever giving life force that pervades and surrounds us in every moment.

In addition, Nasal Breathing produces Nitric Oxide, which plays the very important role of dilating & expanding the blood vessels. Notably, on a cellular level, consistent Nitric Oxide production allows for a more efficient oxygen exchange, more effective nutrient and mineral absorption, and contributes toward faster detoxification and waste removal.

However, this is only a tiny snippet of the benefits that Nasal Breathing offers. To delve deeper, read more in our blog posts section. There, you’ll find out why conscious rhythmic nose breathing is so effective for regulating, maintaining & improving your health.

In contrast, learn about chronic unconscious mouth breathing, why it’s so destructive, and how this unconscious breathing habit has not only become a major contributor to our ill health but also a significant blockage in regenerating and restoring optimal health.

Progressive Breathing Amplifies Relaxation.

What this Practice is NOT?

While this is NOT a meditation practice, it will certainly lead toward an amplified state of meditation. Similarly, this is NOT a relaxation therapy, but it undeniably steers one toward magnified states of relaxation, peace, & calm.

Furthermore, this sharing is a PRACTICE of INTENTIONAL BREATHING; it represents an act of Self-love and an act of Self-care. It’s important to note that Progressive Breathing is NOT a replacement for medical advice or treatment.

However, Nasal Breathing is MEDICINE and can indeed optimize every aspect of your health. There’s NO forcing, NO resistance, NO tension, and definitely NO stress to your Nervous System. Instead, we gently encourage the natural rhythmic flow of the breath. Starting in a relaxed state, we flow, we allow, and gradually we sink into a deeper state of relaxation which induces restoration & rejuvenation of our body, mind & spirit.

You can find Intelligent Movement Practices to Align With Nasal Breathing here.

At its core, the ESSENCE of this sharing is found by actively engaging in the Breath Practice. However, the following words are just a tiny glimpse of the fragmented pathway that led to my curiosity. Subsequently, this curiosity drove my exploration and experimentation. As a result, I delved into understanding why I MUST breathe through my nose and, furthermore, how to do that more efficiently.

The Quest Adam Baulch
“Adam’s breathwork has been transformative in my healing journey. Adam’s nurturing, intuitive guidance creates a safe space in which to explore and release long held emotional and physical blockages. Due to unreleased trauma my body has been in a state of flight or fight for decades. Since practicing Adam’s breathwork my overactive nervous system has calmed bringing a welcome sense of peace to my body and clarity to my mind as well as an increased awareness and connection to both my body and mind. I also have a sense of more space within my body. I have experienced various forms of breathwork but Adam’s genuine care in my healing along with his gentle but wise guidance throughout this journey has had a profound impact on my healing and overall well being. I recommend Adam to all who are seeking to enhance their well being through breathwork.”……Judy C


“I have been searching for practical ways to integrate more conscientiousness into my very busy life. Since starting this course I am able to do the sessions at my leisure and finding that the practice allows full nervous system restoration. It is virtually impossible to think of anything else while working through the calming, beautiful sound steps, allowing optimal relaxation and better focus. I am slowly introducing my friends and family to the importance of nasal breathing as a way of life for better overall health and wellness, even going as far as decreasing my mouth breathing while training and trail running. Thank you Adam”……….Kaileen DuPreez


“I am so thankful for the knowledge and practical tools I’ve received from Progressive Breathing. I’ve been practicing nasal breathing more since the benefits came to my awareness. The knowledge I’ve gained from this course is thorough, concise and priceless. I am so thankful and full of gratitude. Thank you so much”……….Ali Bokhari



“I was fortunate enough to experience this unique breath practice online, and I’ve been practicing conscious nose breathing almost daily over the previous 3 months. With a history of asthma, nose bleeds, hay fever and other pollen allergies, my doctor was blown away by the profound improvements to my health in such a short time. I haven’t had the usual bouts of coughing or sneezing, I sleep much better, I exercise more often without the wheezing or shortness of breath, I recover faster and I rarely get a cold or respiratory infections. I’ve also lost a few kilo’s and my medication & ventilation use has also reduced quite significantly. Nose breathing has restored my health, now I’m on a quest to optimize my life and thrive!”…….Aizen Leca


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