
Online Breathwork Courses – Power Breathing


What You Get:

Online Breathwork Courses – Power Breathing  

Power Breathing for Physical Conditioning of the Respiratory System, Diaphragm, Abdominal Wall & Pelvic Floor 

Our Power Breathing Online Breathwork Courses starts with ten progressive audio files. These files offer a detailed step-by-step teaching progression. You will learn how to perform the new breath technique by simply following the breath in the audio files. Supported with written instructions, you will master this technique effectively and efficiently.

The first four audio files focus on progressive technique teaching and supporting instructional information. The following six files help create awareness around nasal breathing. They reinforce the newly learned technique with additional breath practices and exercises, all supported by instructional content.

Beginners & Intermediate – 12 Audio Files

Designed for beginners and intermediate breathers, this series includes twelve audio files. Power Breathing for Physical Conditioning of the Respiratory System, including breath retentions, enhances optimal breathing and improves diaphragmatic strength and overall physical fitness.

Advanced – 9 Audio Files

For advanced breathers, this series features nine audio files. The focus remains on power breathing for respiratory conditioning, incorporating breath retentions to enhance optimal breathing. This practice significantly improves diaphragmatic strength and overall physical fitness.

Elite – 6 Audio Files

The elite series, with six audio files, targets advanced breathers. It includes power breathing for respiratory conditioning, with extended breath retentions designed to enhance optimal breathing. This practice improves diaphragmatic, abdominal, and pelvic floor strength, as well as overall physical fitness.

Relaxation and Meditation

All courses conclude with a relaxation and meditation period. This allows your body time to recover, equalize, and create a new state of homeostasis.

Bonus Offerings

The package includes supporting information such as preliminary activities, the benefits of nasal breathing, why we must breathe through our noses, the detriments of mouth breathing, and numerous maintenance tips on how to breathe optimally for maximum health benefits.

Carefully crafted music, sound baths, and healing frequencies are infused throughout all audio files. They are designed to calm the mind, relax the body, warm the heart, and soothe the soul.

Check out more Progressive Breathing Online Courses.

Align Nasal Breathing with Movement for Optimal Health.

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