DMT & Nasal Breathing
DMT and Nasal Breathing: Unlocking Endogenous Release DMT & Nasal Breathing – Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a powerful psychoactive compound known as the “spirit molecule” for its profound effects on consciousness and perception. Additionally, the human body produces DMT naturally, playing a mysterious yet vital role in human experiences, especially in mystical and near-death scenarios. Where […]
Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual Awakening through Nasal Breathing Spiritual awakening is a profound journey that intertwines deeply with the body’s intricate nervous and energy systems. As someone who is passionate about the connection between physiology and spirituality, I find the roles of the Ida, Pingala, and Shushumna nerves, the Vagus nerve, the Sacral pump, and the Ventricular system […]