Embryonic Breathing

Embryonic breathing

Reverse Abdominal Breathing (Embryonic Breathing) in Taoist and Qi-Gong Traditions

Reverse abdominal breathing, also known as embryonic breathing, is an advanced Taoist practice that originates from ancient Qi-Gong wisdom. Unlike natural breathing, where the abdomen expands on inhalation and contracts on exhalation, reverse abdominal breathing follows the opposite pattern. The abdomen contracts on inhalation and expands on exhalation. This technique is fundamental in cultivating internal energy (or Qi) and is often considered the precursor to achieving higher levels of spiritual awakening through the microcosmic orbit and ultimately leading to the state where the cosmic breath takes over.

The Process of Reverse Abdominal Breathing

In reverse abdominal breathing, the breath moves inwards and upwards during inhalation, causing the abdomen to contract. As you exhale, the breath is gently directed downwards, allowing the abdomen to expand. This method channels energy inward, stimulating the lower dantian. This energetic center is located just below the navel, known as the “sea of Qi” in Taoist alchemy.

  • Inhalation: The abdomen contracts, pulling energy inward toward the lower dantian, which begins to store and concentrate the vital energy.
  • Exhalation: The abdomen expands, releasing stored energy but simultaneously allowing for the circulation of Qi through the body’s meridian channels.

This practice is deeply rooted in the concept of returning to the “embryonic state,” a state of original balance, purity, and harmony with the cosmos. By mimicking the breathing of a fetus in the womb, practitioners aim to cultivate a powerful internal connection to their life force, bringing the mind and body into unity.

Microcosmic Orbit and Embryonic Breathing

The microcosmic orbit is a foundational practice in both Taoism and Qi-Gong, where the energy is consciously circulated along two primary meridians: the Governing Vessel (which runs along the spine from the perineum to the crown) and the Conception Vessel (which runs along the front of the body). In reverse abdominal breathing, this energy flow is enhanced by the intentional contraction and expansion of the abdomen, pulling Qi upward and circulating it through the orbit.

After practicing reverse abdominal breathing for an extended period, the breath begins to synchronize with the movement of Qi in the microcosmic orbit. As this cycle is repeated and refined, the body’s energy circuits strengthen, and the practice naturally progresses into a more profound and effortless experience. This is when cosmic breathing begins to emerge.

From Microcosmic to Cosmic Breath: The Breath that Breathes You

Once the practitioner reaches a certain level of proficiency in circulating energy through the microcosmic orbit, the breath undergoes a significant transformation. The cosmic breath occurs when the breath becomes effortless, and the practitioner no longer consciously controls it. Instead, the breath begins to “breathe you.”

At this stage, the body and mind are fully aligned with the natural rhythms of the universe. The energy flows effortlessly through the body’s meridians, and the practitioner experiences a deep connection with cosmic energy. The breath becomes an unconscious, fluid exchange between the self and the cosmos, often described as a state of oneness.

This process is characterized by:

  • Effortless breathing: The breath is so soft, subtle, and deep that it feels as if the cosmos is breathing through you.
  • Energy merging with the universe: As the microcosmic orbit expands and deepens, it opens up to the greater macrocosmic cycles, allowing for a full integration of the practitioner’s energy with the universe’s vast energetic field.
  • Heightened awareness: The practitioner experiences heightened spiritual insight and awareness as the body’s energy harmonizes with the cosmic currents.

The Role of Slow, Deep, Soft Rhythmic Nasal Breathing

Slow, deep, soft rhythmic nasal breathing is essential in both reverse abdominal breathing and the microcosmic orbit practices. Nasal breathing helps regulate and refine the breath, making it more efficient and aligned with the body’s internal energy flow. The following are its key benefits:

  • Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system: Firstly, nasal breathing helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system. Promoting relaxation and allowing the energy to flow more easily through the body’s meridians.
  • Nitric oxide production: Secondly, nasal breathing increases the production of nitric oxide. NO is a molecule that dilates blood vessels and enhances oxygen flow, which supports energy circulation.
  • Increased oxygenation: Thirdly, slow, deep breaths through the nose deliver oxygen more efficiently to the lower lobes of the lungs. Moreover, the body can absorb and circulate energy more effectively.
  • Calm and focus: Lastly, Nasal breathing slows the mind, reducing mental chatter and allowing practitioners to focus inwardly on the movement of energy.

The Internal Electrical Circuit

The body’s internal electrical circuit plays a vital role in the circulation of Qi. The human body operates on a delicate balance of electrical energy, which flows through meridian points. In reverse abdominal breathing, this energy is intentionally directed through the body’s internal circuits. Beginning at the sacrum (lower dantian) and moving upward through the spine to the crown (upper dantian).

  • Governing and Conception Vessels: Firstly, these two meridians act as the primary conduits for the body’s electrical current. The Governing Vessel representing the yang or electrical charge and the Conception Vessel representing the yin or magnetic charge.
  • Dantian energy centers: Secondly, the lower, middle, and upper dantian (located at the abdomen, heart, and head, respectively) serve as energy storage centers, connected by this electrical circuit.
  • Flow of Qi: Lastly, the breath drives energy through this circuit. Your body’s electrical current is enhanced, leading to greater energy cultivation and flow.

Your internal electrical circuit is regulated and refined through breath control and body awareness. By practicing reverse abdominal breathing, practitioners can intensify the movement of this electrical energy, bringing greater vitality to the body and clarity to the mind.

Impact on Spiritual Insight

The combination of embryonic breathing, microcosmic orbit circulation, and slow nasal breathing leads to profound spiritual insights. As the energy flows upward through the spine and into the brain, it activates centers of higher consciousness, such as the pineal gland and third eye.

Through this practice:

  • Increased energy reserves: As sexual and vital energy is cultivated and preserved, it leads to greater energy available for spiritual practices.
  • Heightened spiritual awareness: Additionally, the upward flow of energy stimulates spiritual awakening and enlightenment.
  • Deep meditation: Furthermore, as the mind becomes more focused and calm, deep meditative states become accessible, and practitioners experience oneness with the universe.


Embryonic or Reverse abdominal breathing is a powerful Taoist and Qi-Gong practice. Designed to cultivate, refine, and circulate internal energy for spiritual awakening. By practicing the microcosmic orbit, practitioners can harness sexual and life-force energy. Channeling it up the spine through the body’s internal electrical circuits. As this practice progresses, it leads to the cosmic breath. This is an effortless flow of energy that aligns the practitioner with the universe’s natural rhythms. Central to this process is the role of slow, deep, rhythmic nasal breathing. Regulating and enhancing the body’s energy flow, bringing about both physical and spiritual transformation.

Investigate more benefits of slow, soft, deep, rhythmic nasal breathing.

Combine movement with nasal breathing for optimal health.

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